Whether you are a beginner or an experimented in solving the SUDOKU puzzles, MOTOKI is the game which permits you to prepare each grid according to your standard by solving or not the riddles which accompany that grid.
There are some people who create games for you which they will never play with, as there are some people who invent plastic chickens which they will never eat. I wished a game which would be as complete as possible on the intellectual gymnastics’ level and as that game did not exist, I created MOTOKI that I can share with you.
MOTOKI, that is the game I wanted as games lover, a rich game as regards the intellectual gymnastics and that didn’t exist, it was necessary to invent it. I thought it out and I created it for you who share with me the same passion for the intellectual games.
MOTOKI is the game that gets the SUDOKU out of a rut by assigning an identity to each grid which distinguishes it from the others and which transforms the SUDOKU in an intellectual and knowledge-based game where all the variations of the intellectual gymnastics are brought together.
Up to there, you used to rack your brains on the SUDOKU puzzles. Nowadays, discover MOTOKI, not only you will enjoy filling your puzzle but in addition, while you are helping your brains to perspire, you develop it when revising your knowledge or while acquiring new ones.
MOTOKI is the game that gets the SUDOKU out of a rut, the game which unites the logic with the culture and which consolidates your knowledge while acquiring new ones.
As regards the sport, running alone into a park is good to be on form, but running behind a football to score goals is even better for the same result. It’s the same with the SUDOKU in comparison with MOTOKI game.
With MOTOKI, each grid gets a personality so that one problem never looks like another.
MOTOKI is the double-pleasure game which blends the SUDOKU logic with the culture and which permits to test one’s culture level or to learn on a given subject.
MOTOKI, that is the game that makes your brain perspire to develop it better.
MOTOKI, that is the game which, taking into account the force of play of the SUDOKU, is called to become the most interesting intellectual and cultural game which sweeps the whole fields of the knowledge in order to captivate many lovers of the intellectual gymnastics.
MOTOKI that means perspiration in LINGALA, a Congolese language from which it has been taken to illustrate the brain perspiration is the name I’ve given to this intelligence game which consists in completing an alphanumeric puzzle with predetermined characters. MOTOKI describes itself as a set of three inseparable elements: a SUDOKS grid, some riddles and a telephone keyboard. MOTOKI is a registered trademark of KS LUDOTIQUE.
MOTOKI gives you a grid to complete with one or more riddles whose solutions permit you to do the initial filling of the grid at the desired level in order to complete it afterwards according to the SUDOKS’ filling rules. The riddles which accompany the grid can be formulated under different forms, they cover all the fields of the knowledge so that to give diversity and intellectual interest to the game, which works towards the increase of players’ culture.
If we replace “all the fields of the knowledge” by a given subject, the MOTOKI game becomes a fantastic means to make the subject in question to be known. The MOTOKI game being set to become as popular if not more than the SUDOKU game which already is, we can conclude that this game is one of the most efficient communication means to attain the public. In fact, the presence of this game in a publication is the guarantee that this medium will stay into their hands for a significant reading time necessary to the good impregnation of the subject and that it will not be thrown at once in the bin as it is often the case when the medium don’t contain any catch article. So, we will propose our game to all those who edit publications and who want to communicate about the local life or the assets of a region, about the life or the political programme of a candidate, about the qualities of a new product or the promotional offers of a super market chain and about any other subject.
On December 2009, we have inaugurated a series of game books devoted to the MOTOKI game, each having to handle a given subject. The first book of the series handles the life of Barack Obama the 44th president of the United States of America, from his birth to his election at the head of the first world power. You too, if you want to treat your life in a game, if you want to popularize your ideas or any other subject by using our game, contact us at e-mail address:
If you are advertiser or marketing communications manager and you want to communicate on your products, you can sponsor our games by proposing us your ideas to be formatted into riddles which will accompany our grids in order to show your products to best advantage. For that, contact us at the same address.
MOTOKI gives you a grid to complete with one or more riddles whose solutions permit you to do the initial filling of the grid at the desired level in order to complete it afterwards according to the SUDOKS’ filling rules. The riddles which accompany the grid can be formulated under different forms, they cover all the fields of the knowledge so that to give diversity and intellectual interest to the game, which works towards the increase of the players’ culture.
The basic rule to complete the grid consists in putting the whole of the C characters into each of the C squares of each square subdivision, each column and each row. In order to complete the grid, it is advisable, but you’re not obliged to, to solve the riddles which solutions will give you the characters to place into the grid at the locations indicated by unknown values. Two solutions can contain some characters to place at the same locations, which permits to confirm the correctness of the one compared with the other.
If the solution’s characters are letters and if the grid requires numerals, you have to convert them into numerals by helping yourself with your telephone’s keyboard. The reverse will be possible as well, with an additional problem which will consist in choosing among the three or four letters on a key the one that suits the best solution, the puzzle’s logic is there to help you.
Are called JOKERS of MOTOKI game the numerals 0 and 1 which don’t have any correspondence in letters on the telephone keyboard as well as all the characters which are neither numerals nor letters. As a general rule, the joker characters others than 0 and 1 are convertible either into 0 or 1 according to the problem’s needs. Once assigned to a joker, the conversion code remains unchanged on the whole puzzle.
In the grids 9×9, all the joker characters have to be converted into “1”.
In the grids 25×25 which use only letters each joker as well as the unused letter are each assigned to be converted into a given letter if need be. In that case, the jokers’ conversion codes are given with the riddles just below these.
In the case of a mixed puzzle containing letters and numerals, the solution to the riddles gives you characters to convert thanks to the telephone keyboard into letter or numeral according to the considered location, knowing that a numeral or a letter can be converted into letter or numeral. In that case, the problem will consist of choosing the best possibility respecting the game’s logic. This does neither concern the joker numerals 0 and 1, nor the joker letter when that exists.
MOTOKI, that is the double pleasure but you can go straight to the padding of your puzzle not being obliged to solve the riddles before, you would use that to verify if need be. Otherwise, the solutions to the riddles must help you to start your padding and you can begin by doing an initial filling of the puzzle with the whole or a part of the solution characters of these riddles using all or a part of these characters according to the problem’s level you wish to solve. In any case, the answers to the riddles will permit you to verify your choices’ correctness. To guarantee you solution’s uniqueness, it’s possible that some problems impose you one or more riddles to solve imperatively so that to make up the basic puzzle, these will be marked with an asterisk (*).
In short, MOTOKI, that is the freedom which is given to you to construct your own problem puzzle according to the level you wish by placing the whole or a part of the solution characters after having solved all or a part of the riddles, the remaining characters being therefore used to verify if need be the good unfolding of your padding.
1 | 2 | 3 | ||||||
( ) | (-) | (‘) | A | B | C | D | E | F |
(0) | ||||||||
4 | 5 | 6 | ||||||
G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O |
7 | 8 | 9 | ||||||
P | Q | R | T | U | V | W | X | Y |
S | Z | |||||||
0 | ||||||||
( ) | (-) | (‘) | ||||||