In the mighty name of …
In the mighty name of … or the lies and untruths of Christianity.
If I enter a supermarket where Madame Esengo is shopping among other people and I make an appeal on behalf of Madame Lajoie, be sure that Madame Esengo will not react to my call. If you invoke a saint named Likonzi by calling him Pillar, there is little chance that he will listen to you and you can get an answer to your request. Indeed, a name loses its vibratory power when it is distorted and it is even worse when it is translated into another language, in which case it loses all its power and no longer has any effect. A real name does not change depending on the country or language of the speaker, so Maradona, Mao, Mandela, Lumumba or Kimbangu are names that have never changed, no matter where on the planet one is located. A name is a designation specific to each individual, it is the attribute which characterizes them, which personifies them and which identifies them, it cannot therefore be altered. Anyone gets offended when their name is mispronounced or skinned, especially when you have fun translating it, in which case you are no longer dealing with the same person. With this admitted, let us now turn to the case of the name “Jesus Christ”, which is the subject of this article. Indeed, for a long time I have always wondered how Jewish parents of the time could have given their child a typically European name and Greco-Roman in this case, they who had Aramaic as their mother tongue. This question has been on my mind for a long time, and I had already mentioned it without detailing it in one of my previous articles entitled “Revival churches, a brake to development”. Today, at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, the era of truths, my mind has opened even more and to remove doubt and get to the bottom of it, I decided to undertake research on this subject and what I discovered only confirmed my intuitions, going even beyond what I could imagine. What I discovered, I could have kept to myself, but a higher force pushes me to divulge it in order to help our people get out of the great lie into which they have been sunk for so long. So here’s what I found out :
After the death of “the Man from Nazareth” in the year 33, his disciples dispersed and undertook to spread his doctrine throughout the world, which at the time did not go further than their immediate environment, that is to say the Middle East, Europe and the Nile Delta. In the middle of the second century, this doctrine carried by their messianic mission reached the entire Mediterranean basin of Europe, it was then that the Greco-Roman theologians decided to appropriate it to make it their own religion. The first thing they decided to do, moved by their complex of superiority as Europeans over other peoples and especially not wanting to have to worship an exotic name, was to Europeanize the name of “the Man from Nazareth” and “Yehoshua Ha Mashiah” became “Jesus Christ” after a rough translation into Greek. But they did not stop there, in the same vein, they decided to Europeanize the names of all the protagonists of his history to make it a European history. It is the name Christ that will give rise to the word Christianity and that will transform the Nazarenes (Notsrim), followers of the Jewish sect initiated by “the Man from Nazareth”, into Christians, this first Christianity will be called Orthodox. Subsequently, in the 4th century, Emperor Constantine I decided to provide his empire with an official religion which he would use to strengthen his power over the entire population, he ordered the Roman theologians divided into various sects to unify their doctrines to constitute a single religion. The religion thus created will take the name of Catholicism and will be embodied by the Roman Catholic Church whose headquarters, as its name indicates, was established in Rome and not in Jerusalem (Yeroushalaim) as logic would have wanted, this Catholicism will represent the other branch of Christianity alongside the Orthodox branch. Similarly, a new story will be written for their new master “Jesus Christ” which will be a mixture between the original story of the “Man of Nazareth” and the pagan legends of the Romans of the time with stories all more wonderful than each other, fruits of their imagination and which at the time could seem plausible, but which today turn out to be grotesque to say the least, all this in order to magnify their new idol. Continuing the work of Europeanization of names carried out by their predecessors, they also set about Europeanizing the physical representation of the different protagonists to achieve what we observe today with a blond “Jesus Christ” with blue eyes. Note that it is this same approach that led the Europeans to transform the Chinese Kong Qiu Zhongni into Confucius after the latinization of his name in order to be better accepted in their philosophy teachings or that pushes them to want to whiten the skin of the Pharaohs of Egypt even though we all know that it was endowed with a high level of melanin.
Like any story that is the fruit of the imagination, that of Christianity will evolve over the centuries, this is how new versions of this story will appear with the arrival of new sects resulting from different splits from the Mother Church or from new sects themselves resulting from previous splits. This is how you will find the Protestant Church which has produced many sects, each of them inventing its own version of a story which itself is a fiction, the only common point between all these versions being that each of them seeks to magnify the history of their idol by attributing to him ever more extraordinary powers, in short each seeking to wash whiter than white, but the truth is always unique, which means that a story which includes multiple versions does not reflect the truth. It is this wonderful story in its various versions that they came to serve us to distance us from our centuries-old spirituality practiced until then by our ancestors and, nowadays, it is this story that we continue to perpetuate by putting our oar in it every time. Indeed, in terms of imagination, our contemporaries who inherited these tales are not left out, they continue to invent new exploits that they attribute to their idol “Jesus Christ”. All the peoples to whom this religion was brought saw fit to translate this name from the Greco-Roman translation into their local language as is done for fictional characters. Indeed, we all know that only fictional names can be translated to adapt them to the country of destination, this is the case with names such as that of Santa Claus, Mickey or those of many other fictional characters, whereas if for example you translate Maradona into your language, it is no longer Maradona. Especially since regarding the name “Jesus Christ”, this translation goes against the recommendation of “the Man from Nazareth” himself as it’s written in Acts 4, verse 12: “There is salvation in no other name, for there is only one name under heaven that has been given to men by which they can be saved, and that name is none other than Yehoshua Ha Mashiah”.
As the name “Jesus Christ” has never been borne by “the Man from Nazareth”, we are entitled to affirm that everything that is told about this name is only pure fiction and therefore does not correspond to any reality, which means that this name is empty, but as nature abhors emptiness, it can be occupied by various spirits including spirits of evil and invoking it is simply risking to appeal to wandering spirits. Moreover, those who created this name do not even fear him, on the contrary they fear him as children fear the Bogeyman, that is to say without the slightest risk of any kind of punishment, one only has to look at their behaviour. Indeed, the bearers of Christianity did not hesitate, with this fictitious name of “Jesus Christ” as their standard, to perpetrate numerous massacres of various peoples throughout the world, they plundered, they raped and enslaved other human beings to satisfy their selfish needs instead of spreading love as “the Man from Nazareth” would have wanted. Today we see that societies based on Christianity are those which are dominated by evil, even their so-called religious festivals are religious only in names, they have become pretexts to celebrate their true master who is named “Money”. In these societies, to get rich, you have to steal, lie, swindle, cheat, falsify, hack, kill, because for them only evil pays, you just have to see what their cinema shows as a mirror of their societies, where the biggest stars are often the aces of the trigger or people who have distinguished themselves most in acts of evil. They provoke or maintain wars to make money, they create and maintain terrorist groups for selfish interests, in the same way they maintain diseases rather than curing them, or even provoke them, all that to serve their Master “Money”. These are the same vices that have contaminated our societies to the point that today, in our Christianized societies, the so-called servants of “Jesus Christ” only seek to enrich themselves with that name synonymous with money pump. Thus, it is not uncommon to find in our countries pastors complicit with political leaders who feed them by paying them tithes on the proceeds of their theft from the state coffers.
In societies based on Christianity, the depravity of morals is presented as an advance of civilization, because a certain category of men who want to consider themselves the masters on this earth have decided to emancipate themselves from God and to correct what He created. The very people who with their Christianity have ruined our lives by forbidding us from polygamy today want to impose homosexual marriages on us, they are mobilizing all their media to make us admit that marriage between people of the same sex is accepted and they want impose on us with the support of the Vatican that sodomy is a normal act which must be considered as the other way of having children, children that they will, of course, come to our homes to fetch. No wonder the Vatican approves of this practice, they are even ready to make us admit that their “Jesus Christ” would not have been against this practice, but there is no risk of blasphemy when it comes to a fictional character. It is even said that sodomy would be a rite imposed on the followers of Satan in order to ensure domination over others or a rite of passage to access a certain social elite, it does not You only have to look at the composition of those who lead or those who are most prominent in the countries that promote it to be convinced of this. It is not surprising to note that today’s fashion in terms of sofa promotion mainly concerns those who belong to this world, with a special mention for the new converts who have decided to change sides by agreeing to open their secret door to the angels of evil, in other words to the power of money which this community does not lack. You can thus see the effort that is made so that those who belong to it or adhere to it are put at the forefront to represent the new society that they want to impose on us, we see them emerging wherever they can be seen in order to serve as examples. They even managed to take our rainbow hostage, which in our spirituality is a sacred symbol, to make it their instrument of propaganda as a symbol of all their sexual perversions, they use it to insinuate into the minds of each of us this unnatural theory by the sneaky insertion of its image wherever our eye passes with the support of their representatives who invade the spaces of the different media, they appear everywhere to better inject their doctrine into our minds and we note that the scriptwriters of the fictions are forced to instil a dose of homosexuality in each of their cinematographic or television works.
Since the dawn of time, in our African societies, marriage has always been defined as an alliance between two families in order to ensure descendants, but now satanic societies want to impose on us homosexual unions which by definition are unproductive. However, in our culture, an unproductive marriage is considered to be null, in this context we do not see how a family would decide to pay a dowry for the person who is going to sodomize their son. Our spirituality teaches us that the human body is only the earthly garment with which the spirit which returns to earth to perfect its karma is clothed or that of a great spirit which comes to earth to accomplish a mission. On the other hand, contrary to what the European “superiors” believe, the conception of a child is not just a technical act but a highly spiritual act, because the act of love is the means by which we call on the good spirits of the Hereafter to whom we are related to come and invest the body of the future being, which means that conceiving a baby outside this act is actually giving the opportunity to wandering and therefore evil spirits to come and invest the body of the unborn child. With the promotion of “dad-dad” or “mom-mom” marriages, it is the opportunity to see in the future more and more babies conceived artificially in the laboratory, which will lead to the proliferation of evil spirits who would come to populate the earth. It is even rumoured that soon these followers of Satan will also legalize zoophilic marriages who will unite humans with their pets, and it is again you who will be called upon to provide them with the children they apparently are “entitled” to, so that’s where we are today.
Five centuries ago now the imperialists came to impose Christianity on us with the Bible in one hand and the gun in the other, today they still want to impose their deviant customs on us with the threat of economic sanctions ! This is a fact that we should take advantage of because I believe that it is time for us Africans to realize that we are the ones who own the wealth while they only have machines for printing coloured papers that they call money and which represent their god “Money”. In a village, an individual who claims to be rich because he owns tons of these printed papers cannot threaten to boycott those who are the holders of the food supplies that supply him, because in the event of a breakdown in trade, he is the one who will starve and not the others. I therefore suggest that the African leaders seize this opportunity to study a resolution that will take us once and for all out of the colonial system developed at the Berlin Conference, which was designed to turn our countries into simple reserves of raw materials from which the imperialists would come to draw for free to develop their countries to the detriment of ours. My resolution, which should be adopted at the continental level by the African Union, would establish a ban on any African country from exporting raw materials in their raw state and by imposing on all those who need them to install their processing infrastructures in our countries, also in order to allow these potential partners to be able to carry out their installations, a deadline will have to be studied beyond which this resolution would be effective. During this period, we will no longer have to recognize coloured papers as an exchange currency for our exports, these will only have to be made against equivalent products or services pending the creation of a new fair monetary system. So here is my proposal to get us out of the imperialist grip that is suffocating us and thus allow us to truly benefit from our wealth while putting ourselves in a position of strength. Of course this will not be easy, it involves great sacrifices and we will have to accept to go through difficult times during this transitional period, this is the price to pay to conquer our true sovereignty. On the other hand, it would be desirable for a decision to be taken to prohibit the adoption of our children by couples who, due to their composition, cannot have them naturally.
If nowadays the Vatican takes decisions that go against your habits and customs, you African Christians have no right to take offence at it, because do not forget that Christianity, as I have just indicated, is a Greco-Roman creation and that this doctrine was modelled on their culture, so if those who invented it consider that homosexuality is a normal thing, what right will you have to oppose for something that does not belong to you ? Would a European or a non-Congolese allow himself to come and correct the way of playing or dancing the Congolese Rumba by pretending that it would not suit him? You have decided to continue adhering to a religion of which you know neither the ins nor the outs and you find yourself in the same situation as a servant housed and fed by a boss who overnight decides to impose a diet including foods that his culture forbids him to eat. This servant then has only three solutions, either he accepts the new diet by denying his culture, or he decides to make his own food at his own expense, or he decides to resign to go and get hired by another boss who suits him. As far as you, the Christians of Africa, are concerned, with regard to the decisions taken by your respective authorities, you have only two choices, either you decide to create your new religion which refers to “the Man from Nazareth”, or you decide to turn to a religion that fits your culture, this religion exists, it is the one that your ancestors practiced before the arrival of Europeans. It has been constantly awakened by many messengers throughout the centuries, including our Saint Vita Kimpa who, after having been enlightened by Ne Muanda Kongo, had the mission of helping her people to get out of the lies of Christianity and who, for not having accepted to deny her recovered spirituality, had to give her life by accepting to be burned alive at the stake by Catholic priests. The last on the list being the Grand Master Ne Muanda Nsemi who was sent to rehabilitate it and teach it to us, he left us on Wednesday, October 18, 2023, leaving us as an inheritance the sacred book as well as numerous writings concerning it. This religion is called “Nzila Kongo” which translates as “Journey to God”, it was bequeathed to the Kongo people by Lord Akongo with a mission for them to spread it to all African peoples as well as to all Afro-descendants throughout the world. This would be a logical return to the fold, because as they say, the eagle may go round as many times as it wants, it always ends up returning to its nest. Believe me, dear brothers and sisters, the day you commit to this, you will have the impression of finding out that those you believed to be your parents are in reality only impostors who stole you from your real parents when you were born and you will then regret all this wasted time for not having known about it sooner.
Christianity was used as an instrument of colonization, alienation, acculturation and enslavement of the Black man, it allowed the imperialists to put the African peoples to sleep in order to better steal their wealth. As I said above, you my African brothers and Afro-descendants who call yourself Christians, know that when you address “Jesus Christ”, you are actually addressing an empty shell and obtaining results in the powerful name of “Jesus Christ” is more about the psychological effect than a real action of him. It could also simply be the answer of the God of your ancestors who knows your wandering situation and watches over you in spite of you, He then responds to you in the way of parents who respond to requests that their children believe they are addressing to Santa Claus. We have all heard of a miracle produced by Saint X or Saint Y, people who really existed, but to my knowledge, I have never heard of a miracle performed in the name of “Jesus Christ” apart from the fictional miracles resulting from the overflowing imagination of the screenwriters of films, theatre or in these creations which today flood social networks such as TikTok. Now what happens when you invoke this name ? Since this name has never been borne, to invoke it is to pray into the void or risk calling on wandering spirits who are evil spirits or Satan himself. Those who hope to be protected by the mighty name of “Jesus Christ” must simply give it up, this also means that if you hear someone tell you that they have received a message from “Jesus Christ”, be sure that it is at best an illusion, but probably a pure lie or a swindle. As for all those women who have decided to take “Jesus Christ” as their husband, I would say that this is no better than marrying Adam or Santa Claus. To you who think that you have been awakened by the revival churches, know that you are in reality plunged into a deep sleep. If those who imposed Christianity on us are wallowing in evil and promoting evil, that would also mean that they do not believe in it and that their religion is evil. In our ancestral societies governed by divine law, this dissuaded you from doing evil on pain of suffering a terrible punishment, the ultimate of which was to be buried alive, but nowadays in our Christianized societies, the fear of the gendarme, himself corruptible, no longer prevents you from doing evil.
In conclusion, if Yehoshua Ha Mashiah had been sent by Yaveh to liberate the Jewish people from Roman occupation, we Africans had our own envoys from Tata Nzambi’a Mpungu Tulendo to accomplish a given mission including Mfumu Kimbangu who came to liberate the Black people from colonization. No offense to the Kimbanguists whose Church was created with the blessing of the Belgian colonists by imposing on them the idea that Mfumu Kimbangu would have been sent by a certain “Jesus Christ”, since we have just demonstrated that this name is an empty shell, that would simply mean that this statement is an aberration. In reality, by making Mfumu Kimbangu an envoy of “Jesus Christ” to the Congo, the Belgian colonists aimed to minimize the importance of Mfumu Kimbangu by subordinating him to their European pseudo “Jesus Christ”, thus diluting him in their colonial Christianity, but since this “Jesus Christ” never existed, the Church itself no longer has any spiritual basis. If the Jewish people of Yaveh are the chosen people to enlighten the peoples of the Middle East and Europe, know that the Kongo people of Lord Akongo are the chosen people to be the head of all the Black peoples constituting the 12 branches from the same ancestor Ne Nzala Mpandu. At the beginning of the Aquarian era, the era of truth and reconciliation of peoples, the time has come for us Africans and Afro-descendants to get out of this deception that has lasted too long and that has alienated us by getting us away from our own spirituality, the time has come for us to find our true God who is just waiting that to fill us with his powers and help us to develop in accordance with our culture and not according to what others want us to be. The time has come for us to put on the spirit of rebellion of our Saint Vita Kimpa which will allow us to continue the work of mental liberation that she had begun for the entire Kongo people and beyond for all African peoples as well as all Afro-descendants throughout the world. Let us leave to the Europeans their name of “Jesus Christ” that they have created for themselves, let them continue to believe in their fictional hero as well as in their imaginary stories and let’s return to our own spirituality. As for those who want to continue invoking the “Man from Nazareth”, I advise them to call him by his real name if they want to get an answer from him.
Resistant Patriot Kongo.
Article started in September 2023 Published on 12/28/2024
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